On the high peaks of the Aetolian mountains and next to the slopes the riverbed of the river Evinos, lived a wonderful giant, shepherd of bulls and of cows, Titormos. He was born and lived in those high mountains and never was went down to inhabited and civilized places because he felt a dislike for social life and was happy in his loneliness among his own of the living and the wild animals. But he was polite and shy as a child. In his virtues were also his immense strength, modesty and his humility, the respect, the hospitality he provided and the simplicity that characterized him. Titormos was the symbol of the Aetolian team, the PanaitolikoS, who participated in the mourning of the country with the shocking banner that it depicted him holding in his arms the lifeless body of the murdered Alkis.

Our Alkis again had no dislike for social life, but he didn’t knew that in civilized Thessaloniki there were monsters who turned out to be worse than the wild animals that accompanied Titormo. I didn’t knew Alkis but how much does he seems to the mythical hero to me? Christos Papanikos captured with the power of his art the image that shocked the whole Greece and it was our duty for this banner to take its place in the stadium of the team that our Alkis loved and was killed in its name. Thank you Panaitolike, thank you Alexandre for bringing it. And you Titorme look after our Alkis there at the high peaks of the Aetolians mountains even though we know that now is in good hands…

Manolis Andreadakis